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Writer's pictureSilindile Dlamini


One cultural mishap I have always had was to not understand the true meaning of feminism. Currently, feminism is supposed to advocate for women empowerment and level the playing fields for both sexes and provide equal opportunities and have both genders equally compete. Sadly, the brand of feminism I hear and see seems to be a fight between genders. Therefore, I am always confused when someone says they are feminist because most feminists claim to champion woman empowerment. However, what they preach and practice is not woman empowerment but the war of both genders.

I have actually seen it happen before in debates and conversations around feminism. All I hear is that one gender is fighting against the other gender, and there is an entire war amongst the genders. This war isn’t solving anything. Yes, this is my current frustration as a man. Therefore, it is a topic I do not want to touch, discuss or even partake in. This is because I am going to be attacked for the teachings and perspectives I was taught. Yes, there are faults in what I have learnt. The African Cultural Fabric isn’t perfect and in most cases, segregates women. I am grown now, and I too realise it is essential to educate us men on why these aspects of our culture are wrong and then have measures to stop this mishap and confusion.

For example, Muhammed Yunus (pioneer of Microfinance), perceptive on microfinance wasn’t that of addressing women empowerment. Rather the empowerment of both sexes in the home and family. Muhammed stated if a woman engaged in any form of enterprise. This was a reference to the very consecutive Muslim culture in Bangladesh. The woman would be beaten by the husband because he saw her as some form of competition. In his eyes as her husband, she was fighting his manhood experience. Muhammed didn’t take the side that this man was a hindrance to progression or economic empowerment of the family. Instead, he educated both the husband and wife on why the wife should be allowed to engage in enterprise. How her business was not fighting his manhood but improving it and the family too.

The brand of feminism being advocated for, in both sexes should be clearly communicated. There should be some form of education that feminism is all about empowering women right now, and both genders should work together towards women empowerment. Women are in all aspects of the economy, and in other industries, they are predominant. Both parties should fight for it because women empowerment does alleviate poverty to an extent. Is what men currently doing wrong? Yes, it is. Do we need to be educated on how to stop it? Yes, we should be taught. I think we should stop focusing more on the wrong men have done but start proposing solutions on how to prevent these wrongs from happening today and in the future.

Please stop telling me A, B & C is what men are doing wrong, tell me how to help to prevent it. Advise me on how both genders can work hand in hand to pursue equal opportunities. I think the whole movement behind feminism is levelling the playing fields and ensuring freedom to what you want to be without being limited by your gender.

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